All hail the Vectrex, the greatest video game system in the history of the universe!
Released in 1982, the GCE Vectrex is more popular today than it was back then, which is remarkable in a world where the newest electronic gadgets go obsolete within hours. The Vectrex remains eternal and continues to enthrall fans around the world. Why is that?
This unique vector graphics-based video game console withstands the test of time because there is nothing else like it and no way to duplicate its unique look and feel. Computer emulation has nothing on the Vectrex because it’s old school television screen displays glowing laser beams in a way that your modern smart screen cannot. The Vectrex comes with a built-in 1980s-style CRT monitor and a stylish analog joystick. Players enjoy games with the assistance of colorful plastic overlays. The Vectrex game catalog, though small, is filled with excellent arcade games from the era like Berzerk, Scramble, Armor Attack and Star Castle.
All Hail the Vectrex contains more than 25 full-color Vectrex video game reviews, a thorough (and entertaining) hardware review, homebrew recommendations, and a special look at the Vectrex 3D Imager and Vectorcade arcade joystick. This hilarious and informative guidebook is written and photographed by Classic Game Room producer, Mark Bussler, a long-time Vectrex enthusiast and writer of Ultra Massive Video Game Console Guide, Ultra Massive Sega Genesis Guide, Chicago 1933 World’s Fair: A Century of Progress in Photographs, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja, and The World’s Fair of 1893 Ultra Massive Photographic Adventure series.
Table of Contents
Vector Graphics vs. Pixels
Vectrex Games and Overlays
Mine Storm
Web Wars
Solar Quest
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Space Wars
Star Castle
Cosmic Chasm
Clean Sweep
Heads Up
Polar Rescue
Rip Off
Fortress of Narzod
Vectrex 3D Imager
3D Mine Storm
3D Crazy Coaster
3D Narrow Escape
Art Master
Melody Master
Modern Era of Vectrex
Death Chase
More Vectrex Homebrews