A timeless lesson about life and business from the legendary entrepreneur Henry Ford.
Few books about business could be more relevant in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world than Henry Ford’s classic My Life and Work. First printed in 1922, this restored Enlarged Special Edition includes:
– Restored and enlarged 7” x 10” pages
– Classic type font
– Author’s original page layouts
– New retro-inspired cover design
The name Ford is synonymous with automobiles, but Henry Ford was much more than just a name. He was a brilliant inventor, entrepreneur, and a genius at business. Born in 1863, Ford is regarded as the father of the modern assembly line technology and mass production. The founder of the Ford Motor Company saw a future where machines and employees worked side by side for the betterment of business and society. In today’s tech landscape fueled by greed and a lack of business ethics, the words of Mr. Ford are more relevant than ever.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: What I Learned About Business
Chapter 3: Starting the Real Business
Chapter 4: The Secret of Manufacturing and Serving
Chapter 5: Getting Into Production
Chapter 6: Machines and Men
Chapter 7: The Terror of the Machine
Chapter 8: Wages
Chapter 9: Why Not Always Have Good Business?
Chapter 10: How Cheaply Can Things Be Made?
Chapter 11: Money and Goods
Chapter 12: Money – Master or Servant?
Chapter 13: Why Be Poor?
Chapter 14: The Tractor and Power Farming
Chapter 15: Why Charity?
Chapter 16: The Railroads
Chapter 17: Things in General
Chapter 18: Democracy and Industry
Chapter 19: Why We May Expect
About the Publisher:
The CGR Publishing Restoration Workshop uses a vast array of computers and digital scanners to restore, preserve, and enhance the classic works of writers and artists from the 19th century. Each new release includes display-quality covers, enlarged covers, and retro fonts. Select books include Dante’s Inferno Retro Hell-Bound Edition, Gustave Dorè’s London: A Pilgrimage, The Complete Book of Birds, A Life of George Westinghouse, The Clock Book: A Detailed Illustrated Collection of Classic Clocks, The Aeroplane Speaks, and much more.