Set sail for adventure with Captain Kidd, the buccaneers, and pirates from a bygone age who terrorized the seven seas!
They lived a life of excitement beyond the imagination of modern people in modern times. This thrilling novel captures the extraordinary career of Captain Kidd. The New York merchant turned pirate who became legend as researched by writer, John Abbott.
Originally published in 1874, this illustrated retro reprint features oversized pages, remastered illustrations, and new drawings. Reprinted in the original vintage font with a bold and spectacular cover design fit for display, readers relive the heroic tale of Captain Kidd and other notorious pirates who ravaged the seven seas and buccaneers such as Blackbeard, Lolonois, Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Sir Henry Morgan.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Origin of the Buccaneers
Chapter 2: William Kidd becomes a Pirate
Chapter 3: Piratic Adventures
Chapter 4: Arrest, Trial, and Condemnation of Kidd
Chapter 5: Kidd and Stede Bonnet
Chapter 6: The Adventures of Edward Treach, or Blackbeard
Chapter 7: The Close of Stede Bonnet’s Career
Chapter 8: The Portuguese Barthelemy
Chapter 9: Francs Lolonois
Chapter 10: The Plunder; the Carousal; and the New Enterprise
Chapter 11: The End of Lolonois’s Career
Chapter 12: The Female Pirate, Mary Read
Chapter 13: Anne Bonny, the Female Pirate
Chapter 14: Sir Henry Morgan
Chapter 15: The Capture of Puerto Velo, and its Results
Chapter 16: The Expedition of Maracaibo
Chapter 17: Adventures on the Shore of Lake Maracaibo
Chapter 18: A New Expedition Planned
Chapter 19: Capture of St. Catherine and Chagres
Chapter 20: The March from Chagres to Panama
Chapter 21: The Capture of Panama
Chapter 22: The Return from Panama
Chapter 23: Montbar the Fanatic