The tenth and final volume in the Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe contains miscellaneous articles on subjects such as cryptography, autography, and Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe.
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume 10 is titled MISCELLANY and contains Poe’s writings on subjects beyond the scope of his famous poems, short stories, and criticisms. Features:
- Enlarged 7″ x 10″ pages
- Softcover and hardcover options
- Digitally restored page layouts
- Fordham Edition contemporary formatting
- Classic weathered type font
- Restored Poe engraving
- Bold retro-styled cover design
Shut the curtains, dim the gas lights, crank the Edison Cylinder player, and prepare for an evening of critical literary thinking with Edgar Allan Poe.
Based on the rare 1000-print run “Fordham Edition”, Volume Ten contains fascinating articles, prefaces, and writings from Poe on subjects such as cryptography, autographs, anastatic printing, and Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe.
This Illustrated Restored Special Edition includes the Fordham Edition’s classic early 20th-century design, period layout, and contemporary type font. Readers may discover their new favorite writer thanks to Poe’s criticisms.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 – Maelzel’s Chess Player
Chapter 2 – Prefaces to “The Conchologist’s First Book”
Chapter 3 – Philosophy of Furniture
Chapter 4 – Cryptography
Chapter 5 – A Chapter on Autography
Chapter 6 – Anastatic Printing
Chapter 7 – Eureka – An Essay on the Material and Spiritual World
About the Author:
Born in Boston in 1809, American writer Edgar Allan Poe is widely known for his poetry, tales, and short stories of mystery and the unknown. He is regarded as one of the earliest writers to embrace the emerging genre of science fiction. His works, such as The Raven, continue to resonate in popular today. He died at the age of 40 in 1849.
About the Publisher:
The CGR Publishing Restoration Workshop uses a vast array of computers and digital scanners to restore, preserve, and enhance the classic works of writers and artists from the 19th century. Each new release includes display-quality covers, enlarged covers, and retro fonts. Select books include Dante’s Inferno Retro Hell-Bound Edition, Gustave Doré’s London: A Pilgrimage, The Complete Book of Birds, A Life of George Westinghouse, The Clock Book: A Detailed Illustrated Collection of Classic Clocks, The Aeroplane Speaks, and much more.