Blog: 3/15/2025
SwordRealm launches on Kickstarter. Swordrealm is funded in less than an hour! The SwordRealm graphic novel series is now officially in production. Order your copy and glassware on Kickstarter now!! SwordRealm on Kickstarter
Hello and happy belated new year! Somehow it's already March. I'm not sure when January happened....
The first couple months of the year are always pretty busy and CGR Publishing dropped dozens of books, videos, and several albums on you when you probably weren't even looking. Also, the new stuff is just about to ready to launch. Look out for a new project called SwordRealm hitting Kickstarter next week with hardcover printing, shirts, and new glassware!
New releases out now include:
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja: Trilogy 1 Special Edition
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja: Databook
Omega Ronin: When Sonic Art Meets Future Space Robots
Omega Ronin: Forbidden Depths Vinyl
Additionally, the series continues and many more are planned. Production schedule is inconsistent since it's just a fun thing to do, and those are exclusive to
We're revamping the website this year with loads of new details about the project and art. New Omega Ronin studio projects are in development and you'll hear about those soon.
Several new projects including Laser Dawn, Secret Agent 40oz, and Magnum Skywolf are in development. You'll hear about them soon.
We're looking into making some fun, new glassware series for 2025 based on SwordRealm, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja, Edit-Station 1, and maybe even collectible cards.
We are not planning any new Classic Game Room shows this year on YouTube, the old channels are permanently discontinued. However, some new CGR gaming-themed glassware is on the table and we're looking at designs. Don't expect much from our social media this year, it's proven to be a colossal waste of time. Except for The world needs comics and beer more than ever now.
There are a bunch of other books and projects in development, many just starting out. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates!
Blog: 12/30/2024
Greetings, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Festive Lord Karnage Appreciation Day! For those who don’t know, Lord Karnage Appreciation Day is celebrated on the 32nd of December. It’s a long story… suffice to say, a yearly sacrifice of at least one or two High Lifes is required.
What does CGR bring you in 2025? CGR plans to bring you unstoppable creativity in 2025 and original products. The market out there (the landscape in general) is so bizarre right now. From my perspective, everyone is screaming that they don’t want A.I. and social media, yet everyone appears to be consuming A.I. and social media with a smile on their face. It’s like that episode of Star Trek where the crew of the Enterprise is addicted to that weird game. Good for them. We’re going to take the transporter to the Buck Rogers Space Disco System and leave them to their own demise.
I’ve spent the past several months putting together a new platform for graphic novels and CGR Publishing will be exploring new fantasy worlds and meeting new heroes in 2025. My plan is to create and work with some upcoming artists on original fantasy and sci-fi series such as our SwordRealm saga, Omega Ronin, and Agent 0040oz. Make sure to follow our projects as they pre-release on Kickstarter so you don’t miss anything! (all of my current projects are running about two months behind, so prepare for lots of new releases in January and February.)
Additionally, I’ve been working on a variety of upcoming music and experimental sound projects. “That’s weird!” Is it? As the person who runs a publishing company, and a professional artist, I would advise any young artists/musicians out there to look at what other people are doing and do the exact opposite. Don’t look for immediate success. Build a foundation for the future and do your own thing.
Social media companies tell you what you should be consuming, but (I’m not going to use foul language in a professional email) you know what my response to them is. CGR will not be playing by their rules and thankfully the landscape is big enough for us to carve a little creative niche of nonsense out there.
CGR will be releasing loads of new stuff in 2025. I have several Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano albums in development. New glassware, posters, and clothing designs inspired by CGR products are in the works. New books are in production. New videos are being made for our underground secret hidden project. Website improvements have been implemented and we’ll be updating all of our sales platforms for easier and smoother checking-outing.
So, while your favorite A.I. influencers are making new live streams and garbage podcasts about hate-for-profit nonsense financed by crypto, we’re going to make books about space barbarians and laser beams. Welcome to the 25th Century!
Thank you and have a safe and happy new year,
Mark and CGR Publishing
It's the final news post (now blog post) of 2024 from your friends at CGR Publishing!
'24 was an interesting year for a long list of reasons. We kicked off New Year's way back in January with a second season of Classic Game Room 2085. Unfortunately, the season ended up being much shorter than expected. The Internet video landscape is not too hot on long-format, expensive, heavily edited shows these days. It is unlikely that any more Classic Game Room videos will ever be produced. It's a unique show that was very time-consuming to produce, and in the world of short-format Shorts and TikToks, it doesn't work. But, some good things came out of it, and a lot of new ideas.
We released the first Omega Ronin vinyl in the fall and launched two massive graphic novel projects over the summer that are both wrapping up now. I'm working on the final details for Omega Ronin Book 1 and the Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Hardcover Trilogy Edition this week! Kickstarter backers will be getting their digital versions any day now, and the print editions will start to ship in January.
The second Omega Ronin album is being pressed right now on vinyl for you record enthusiasts out there. Forbidden Depths should start to ship in February.
We are launching a brand new sword and sorcery series called SwordRealm this winter on Kickstarter! You can follow the project now so you don't miss anything. Mark Bussler will be writing and penning the first issue, plans to include additional artists for upcoming issues are in the works.
Some of you have asked for posters and shirts for our new projects. That's something that I'm looking into for next year, and also (maybe!) some new SwordRealm-themed glassware.
Mark (me) has plans to bring back Agent 0040oz for a brand-new adventure because the world needs Secret Agent James Brown more than ever! Also, with any luck, new installments of Ethel the Cyborg Ninja, Omega Ronin, and Heyzoos will find a release schedule in '25.
Our new sales and shipping website is slowly going live for those of you who want to order products from our website. You can now check out with Shopify and use pretty much whatever credit card you want (we'll have all of our products added by the spring.) Check out our Shopify site here: CGR Publishing
Last, but not least, we launched this month (just in time for Dry January!) as a way to continue our 80sComics and Drawing with Lord Karnage series. Crack that NA beer next month and prepare to enjoy some short old school comic book coverage and some new behind-the-scenes with SwordRealm and other upcoming projects. is only available at and they're free without any annoying ads or subscriptions required.
We had to do a bit of equipment repair, but our eight-part Classic Train series will resume production early next year. We've been busy doing some behind-the-scenes development work on new books, everything from graphic novels to history. Subscribe to our email newsletter and keep up to date!
CGR Publishing will continue producing new and diverse products in 2025! Lots going on 🙂 Thank you and have a safe and happy holiday season! Happy new year!
Mark & CGR Publishing
News: 12/7/2024
Product update for December 2024. We're wrapping up Omega Ronin Book 1, the Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Trilogy, the Omega Ronin Art Book, and the Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Databook. Release dates are running about a month or two behind, but the end result will be well worth it. We look forward to sharing the new art and cover designs soon!
Omega Ronin Sirens is on vinyl and that's super exciting. The next 'Ronin album called Forbidden Depths is scheduled for a February 2025 release also on vinyl. A few people asked about the rest of our music catalog, and the word on the street from Producer Mark is "we'll see."
"CGR Publishing will be launching a brand-new sales site early in 2025 to serve our customers better. I know our existing sales platform is dated, and that's because we grew well beyond what I set up a few years ago. It will be changing soon! We'll be moving our website into the 25th century in January to handle sales of our books, records, and blu-rays with futuristic precision." - Mark
Kickstarter and Bandcamp
We're going to be working closely with Kickstarter and Bandcamp in 2025 on a variety of new projects. Mark is launching a huge, new Sword and Sorcery series early in 2025. Follow the Classic Game Room Kickstarter Page so that you don't miss out on any signed or numbered items.
Mark is also planning to bring back a new Agent 0040oz book to celebrate the series' 29th anniversary! (yes, 0040oz started in 1996) Also on Kickstarter.
Follow Omega Ronin on Bandcamp Music | Omega Ronin
Follow Turbo Volcano on Bandcamp Music | Turbo Volcano
"In addition to my graphic novel work and publishing, I'll be focusing on music producing in 2025 with a variety of new projects on top of Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano. Our work in video over the past two years has been very disappointing, but audio has been the complete opposite. Music has proven to be a very expressive and fun medium with a variety of global outlets. My hope is that we'll have more physical releases in the next year, but certainly, you'll be able to hear CGR Publishing-produced tunes on the music services out there. Check the website/newsletter for details. It doesn't matter to me what platform you use. Obviously, we hope that you eventually pick up a record or support our work on Bandcamp, but if streaming on Spotify or Tidal is most convenient, then whatever. Have at it!
Other Stuff
"New soundtracks are planned for upcoming CGR Graphic Sonic Adventures like Omega Ronin.
"CGR will no longer be producing any video content or podcasts. The Forever Stream has been terminated because we can't budget the time to moderate the hate-filled racist comments section. It's beyond disgusting what people were posting and we're done with it.
"Bandcamp live-release parties have been tremendously successful and many more are planned. If you're into Omega Ronin or Turbo Volcano and just wanna hang out and chat producing or 1980s movies, check out our next free Bandcamp party!
"I will be producing some new marketing videos to show off the recent hardcover books, records, and how the soundtracks play with the books. We're a few weeks off, it's coming soon."
"I'm looking at maybe making some new glassware for stuff like Ethel the Cyborg Ninja and our upcoming fantasy series. The one consistent in life is that good glassware makes everything better."
"Some of our clothing items like ringer tees have been (sadly) discontinued due to supplier changes. We will be phasing out some designs and products as we head into 2025, so if you've been eyeing up that Classic Game Room tote bag or socks, now is your time...."
"Thank you and Happy New Year to everyone who's been on the CGR train. My goal is to ensure that we continue to provide the best customer service and maintain high-quality physical products (and high-quality digital products on worthy platforms like Bandcamp and Beatport.) I'm looking forward to our new releases in 2025 and I hope that you find something to enjoy! Hopefully, we'll have a quarterly physical Sword and Sorcery magazine running in a few months! Get ready to Engage Disco big time!" - Mark
News: 10/28/2024
We're living in a crazy upside down world. But, one million years from now, a murderous robot empire rules the galaxy with an iron fist and humanity is nearly extinct (which sounds like an improvement, to be honest....) The only remaining human beings called Sirens are kept as slaves by the robots to sing for their amusement.
A mysterious alien force is uncovered by a group of robot freedom fighters known as The Buggles who use 1980s music videos on VHS tapes to train a Siren and a sanitation robot to fight for the future as mercenaries. This is the plot of Omega Ronin: Book 1 which is coming out VERY SOON! Subscribe to be notified when it starts shipping.
Omega Ronin is the first book in CGR's Graphic Sonic Adventures series and you can read along to the adventure while listening to its soundtrack on vinyl!! That's right, the book has a soundtrack, and the soundtrack is available NOW!
Producer, writer, artist Mark Bussler is wrapping up the book and we hope to have it out in December! Also, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Hardcover Trilogy should also be coming out in December. It's a lot of work, and we think you'll love it!!
In other news, Bussler is in development on several new book series including the return of Agent 0040oz to celebrate his 29th anniversary in 2025! Also, we have a new fantasy book series in pre-production and more.
There might be a small video coming out on November 11 to celebrate Classic Game Room's 25th anniversary. Look out for a special coupon this week!
Mark is wrapping up Ethel the Cyborg Ninja #3 and the Hardcover Trilogy Edition. Subscribe to be notified when we start shipping later this year.
We plan to release Omega Ronin Book 1, Omega Ronin Sirens, Omega Ronin Art Book, and Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Databook in November/December this year.
CGR Publishing is developing three new Graphic Novel X Vinyl Soundtrack projects for 2025. The first one out of the gate should be Agent 0040oz, which celebrates its 29th anniversary in 2025! Stay tuned for more information. Mark may bring some video blogging to the site as we also develop a new fantasy series and a giant monster series for '25!!
We're continuing to slowly make website revisions and improvements. It might take us a few years, but we are slowly moving all of our classic videos from hate-for-profit social media video platforms and relocating them here for archive. We have permanently discontinued our work with YouTube.
CGR Speaking Schedule 2024
CGR Publishing president Mark Bussler will be speaking/signing at two events in 2024 about Classic Game Room’s 25th anniversary, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja’s new trilogy edition and Omega Ronin. Schedule:
Saturday, October 5th 1pm - Pittsburgh Gaming Expo (Website)
Sunday, December 1st Noon-4pm - Phantom of the Attic Comics Oakland (Facebook)
CGR 25th Anniversary Day is November 11, 2024. (I previously said the 13th, the tape that I located says the 11th. I'm not sure where I got the 13th.) Anyway, the official recording day for the first Game Room was November 7th, 1999, so says the Betacam SP tape. The official publishing date is November 11th. It's most likely we uploaded it immediately after editing it back then.
Anyway, there might be a special video that day, it depends on my schedule. I'm pretty swamped right now, but I dug out a bunch of old hard drives while making History of Classic Game Room (which comes out soon.) There's some cool old footage on them, so we'll see what I can chop up.
Get your beers chilled and ready for fun! November 11, 2024!
Summer is officially over (in the practical sense) and fall is here and fall brings the cheer and Oktoberfest beer! While CGR doesn’t make beer, we do make graphic novels that pair well with your favorite frosty beverage of choice.
Your planned CGR fall release schedule!
- Omega Ronin: Book 1
- Omega Ronin: Sirens (vinyl album and companion soundtrack to Book 1)
- Omega Ronin Art Book
- History of Classic Game Room (delayed but now with even more awesome)
- Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Hardcover Trilogy Edition
- Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Issue #3
- Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Databook
- Omega Ronin: (new untitled streaming album)
- Kickstarter for upcoming untitled CGR barbarian series with soundtrack album (2025 release)
Early 2025
“While it may not seem like it, we’re all busy planning for next year which will be awesome because we’ll be doing stuff that nobody else is doing. I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag regarding new characters, sounds, and projects, but you will very likely see more Omega Ronin books, Ethel books, and Omega Ronin albums in addition to some brand new stuff.
We’re looking at rebooting Magnum Skywolf and giving it a bigger presentation than the original release. No word on artists for the project yet. Mark (me) will be finishing Heyzoos #4 and collecting all the issues into a hardcover special edition.
Our summer lineup of design products is here! Hundreds of new shirt, hoodie, and product designs have been (and are being) added to the website and Amazon, check them out. There are hundreds more on the way this fall for bird and animal lovers, beer snobs, and Omega Ronin fans.
I’m hoping to continue CGR Friday but have been crushed under a mountain of deadlines for the past few weeks. I’ve been planning some more video blogs on the website for Omega Ronin and Ethel, subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Hopefully, you can raise a glass of beer to celebrate CGR’s 25th anniversary on November 11! We don’t have anything planned for it since we’ll be busy shipping out records that week, but we count on you to drink a beer and play a game of Pac-Man while shouting your favorite bad CGR one-liners! Engage disco!”
Mark & CGR Publishing
Update May 25, 2023
Good news everyone! We launched the new Kickstarter campaign to help get the CGR 2085 Season 1 Blu-Ray project off the ground. This will be a totally remastered version of Classic Game Room, straight off the original drives. Includes four region-free Blu-Ray discs, a case (signed by Mark if you'd like), and 15 freakin' hours of CGR 2085!!!!
Assuming it gets funded we'll be shipping by September of 2023! That's this year!
Update May 17, 2023
Hello friends, we’re rebooting the way that we are going to Kickstart CGR 2085 Blu-Rays and the Season 2. Instead of doing it all at once, we’re going to do it in smaller segments.
I created some confusion after launching our Kickstarter to fund CGR 2085 Blu-Rays and second season and then canceling it. It was a huge job, and it became clear that the marketing messages were very difficult to explain and I grew concerned about the way that I combined too many budgets and moving parts into one project. Out of an abundance of caution, I canceled the job before anyone got billed. In the words of Han Solo, sorry ‘bout the mess (tosses money to bartender)
Instead of doing CGR 2085 all at once (8 blu-rays, 6 months production, packaging, glassware, etc…) we’re going to break it up into segments and move ahead.
We will likely launch another, much smaller Kickstarter soon to fund production costs for CGR 2085 Season 1 Blu-Rays (and the beer steins!) Instead of shipping in 2024, I plan to have them ready this year in 2023.
We will be restocking the old school glassware this summer.
We are moving ahead with the Classic Game Room shows on Instagram and TikTok.
Mark (me) is planning to stretch the filming plans for CGR 2085 into late 2024 to give the project more room to breathe and coincide with the Classic Game Room 25th Anniversary! It’s going to be amazing. Stay tuned.
Update May 12, 2023
Hello, things happen so fast around here. After staring at data sheets for a few days and not liking the direction of the Kickstarter I decided to discontinue it after it hit 15%. Producing 15 new hours of content and eight blu-rays was perhaps a bit ambitious.
I could have dug in and tried like hell to market it, but it immediately became a distraction from other things that I need to do. Hearing "Blu-Ray? I haven't bought a Blu-Ray in ten years!" didn't really help either. I get it.
Regardless, I am continuing to make the CGR Instagram and TikTok shows which are free and totally fun and give me an excuse to scratch that goofball CGR itch without investing in thousands of crates of inventory and production schedules. So, the set is back and Truxton 2 is up. We're good to go so long as the videos are 60 seconds and don't require a week-long edit!
Update May 10, 2023
Hooray! The Classic Game Room 2085 Season 2 Kickstarter is live! You can see it and order yours HERE.
Is it possible that CGR 2085 will continue for another 12-hours season plus 3-hours of extras on Blu-Ray and digital download? We shall see. The Kickstarter just launched and we'll slowly be spreading the word throughout the month. This will tell once and for all if there is demand for edited content created in the Intergalactic Space Arcade. If it works, awesome! If not, fear not. We'll still be here. That's what Kickstarter is for.
I have secured some filming rights at an arcade and got a thumbs-up from a major pinball company regarding some stuff. A friend helped to repair the Truxton 2 board which should be arriving soon (obviously, a premier review!) I'm working to secure locations for Robotron filming and other arcade games.
If it looks like it'll make it, I'll start production asap with some pinball machines nearby and set up the studio (which is half set up right now.) The editing, CGI, music, and all that stuff are already in place. CGR 2085 season 1 remastering is ready to go, but that Kickstarter has to hit it first.
Now, there is a good chance that people will say "we want it free." That's really unfortunate that so many people see something on the internet and assume that because it's free that it was free to make. But, there's not much I can do about that. I can make a TikTok in 30 seconds. CGR 2085 takes months. So, here we are. Perhaps another saga of Classic Game Room is about to be written.
You can thank Omega Ronin and 80s Comics for bringing the idea back into my head. I kinda assumed I was retired from filmmaking, but it's like riding a bike. And I love biking.
In other news:
Omega Ronin: Collision Course dropped on May 5th! Give it a listen! The next album is already in production.
Update April 22, 2023
Lots going on these days. First off, the new Omega Ronin album is in final mixing. No release date yet, but it's pretty rad. Probably within a month or so.
Ethel the Cyborg NInja #3 and the Hardcover Trilogy Special Edition are in final edits also. They're slowly creeping toward the finish line.
Mark unpacked some of the Classic Game Room collection while building the 80s Comics set and archive room. Following the blueprint set by the 80s Comics clip show on TikTok, he is now producing CGR 2282, a quirky short-form daily show with classic gaming goodness and other related nonsense.
"The collection has been boxed up for nearly five years, it would be a shame to not use it for something. Times have changed, and while most gaming content has gone live streaming, I think some of us just enjoy a good quick burst of nostalgia. Even if it's something as simple as turning on an Atari game or checking out the keyboard on an MSX. In that respect, TikTok and Instagram work pretty well. I'm pleasantly surprised to see the response has been so good.
To be clear, to head off any conspiracy theories, CGR is not returning to the old format or going on YouTube. Even if I wanted to I can't take the time because I have a different job now. Also, I don't want to. It didn't work, it's an awful platform, and it's just not going to happen.
However, here's what might happen. I am looking into CGR 2085 Season 1 Blu-rays. That's totally feasible if there is demand. I know there is some demand, but I don't know much. Blu-rays are pretty expensive to make. I'm putting something together. CGR 2085 was the 2018-produced big-budget show on Amazon, it's my favorite (it's still on Amazon.) I had to pull the plug because the production company overhead nearly sunk the entire business. But that was then, this is now. CGR isn't precariously balanced on top of a tech monopoly that demonetizes videos at random anymore. We're free to do what we want.
People like physical media. Physical media lasts forever. We do a great job with physical media. There have been requests for the CGR Supreme Series, and by extension (I guess), everything, on Blu-ray. That's a stretch, but the Supreme masters are in great shape and it's a maybe.
Regarding an all-new CGR 2085 Season 2, that's something that came up as a self-contained project on physical media. My main interest in the 2085 series is filmmaking and making a great film. It's unclear to me if 2023 is a year when people are finally sick of live streaming and influencers and ready to embrace editing and filmmaking again, or if short-form clips and headsets-in-front-of-green-screens really are the future. I'm pretty out of touch. We're looking into it. There's this little window of time right now when I'm in-between big print projects."
Update April 19, 2023
I didn't think we would, but we've had a lot of requests to release Blu-Rays of CGR 2085 and the CGR Supreme Series lately. It is something that we're looking into.
There are no specific details regarding anything beyond I'm looking at it seriously. The content has all been preserved and would be great on Blu-Ray. It's a we'll see.
Update April 18, 2023
It's release day! In more ways than one 🙂
New Turbo Volcano album drops on all music services. It's my favorite to date, check it out.
Turbo Volcano: Covert Tiki Robot Maneuvers in Galaxy Tomorrow.
And.... we decided to roll the 80s Comics set into a new CGR clip series about nostalgia and good times called CGR 2282. Following in the footsteps of our successful 80s Comics series on TikTok, it'll be good times and easy listening. You can see it on TikTok and Instagram. (We're still working out the update bugs and whatnot.)
Follow on TikTok - Classic Game Room (@classicgameroom) | TikTok
The CGR stuff was all in storage, so we may as well share it with a new audience who may not be familiar with wood grain and Vectrex. Don't expect talking or reviews, nobody wants that anymore. Not even me. Expect fun good times and an absurd storyline about robots. If it doesn't work out then whatever, Omega Ronin and 80s Comics are leading the way. This time CGR gets to piggyback on something else for once 🙂 It's a breath of fresh air for Edit-Station 1.
Update April 8, 2023
The newest full-length album from Turbo Volcano called Covert Tiki Robot Maneuvers in Galaxy Tomorrow drops April 18 on all streaming services.
Covert Tiki Robot Maneuvers in Galaxy Tomorrow | CGR Publishing
"Tiki Robot is the biggest Turbo Volcano album in terms of sound design. I spent a few months putting it together because I was a bit short on studio time in the spring, so instead of finishing the album I fiddled with it for a long time and built a dense layer of synthesizers that move and flow during each song. If you like electronica you'll love Tiki Robot.
Follow Turbo Volcano on TIkTok for (soon to be) daily updates. TurboVolcano (@turbovolcano) | TikTok
"Tik Tok has worked really for us lately. It's a great way to check out little clips if you're into the techy side of synthesizers and whatnot. It has taken me a while to get into the flow, but [we're] putting up a lot of stuff now about the music and combining it with the new suite of drawing books coming out this year under the Turbo Volcano brand. That was my plan all along I guess, I think music and drawing work really well together, but I had to re-think the way that I produce content for TikTok compared to the old-fashioned way I used to make things. It's a mind f*ck for those of us with real filmmaking experience because we need to unravel everything we know and approach it from a new perspective. Check out channel, it's pretty relaxed."
"As far as the rest of social media I dunno, that's my professional response. I find it all exhausting. Just delete it all from your phone and look around and listen to the birds or something, it makes life better." - Mark
The next Omega Ronin album is in production.
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja 3 is nearing completion. Release date TBD, but it's pretty soon.
Update March 19, 2023
80s Comics: Ultimate 1980s Comic Book Review Guide Volume 1 is out! Hardcover and softcover editions.
1889 Paris World's Fair: The Exposition Universelle in Illustrations Volume 2 is out! Hardcover and softcover.
We're wrapping up Classic Trains and Railroad Engineering Volume 4 this month.
Mark Bussler is putting the finishing touches on the hardcover trilogy editions of Ethel the Cyborg Ninja and Robot Kitten Factory. "Issue 3 (of both series) is being completed and will get a release as a floppy, kindle, and in the enlarged hardcover editions." Look for these new books at the end of March or early April.
The Omega Ronin manga series is in production. "The TikTok channel is paused as I wrap up a few other projects. I like to keep things running daily, but I need to reset the way we're doing some of the animation. Hang in there."
@80sComics and @TurboVolcano are running on TikTok. "The new Turbo Volcano music and art stuff is coming to the TikTok channel soon, maybe this week. I had to rethink the way that I was producing video content and decide if it was even worth the time. TikTok is massive, it's bigger than all the other social media platforms combined (it's no wonder the legacy tech companies want it banned.) The audience potential is enormous, and it's great to see people enjoying the comic book clips. I'm digging it."
New drawing instructional books are in development. A new book series about English history is in development. We're wrapping up a trilogy of antique books about abbeys and castles, more info soon.
New Turbo Volcano and Omega Ronin albums are in final mixing. "I'm trying to wrap my head around how to shoot it. Everything kinda needs a video element, but traditional filmmaking doesn't work, so everything has to be little clips and one-shots. It's hard to rethink the entire process. I'm still setting up some LEDs and stuff to show the drum machines next to the synthesizers and whatnot. It's fun to look at all the blinky lights."
"Of course, this brings up the question, will the Classic Game Room show ever return on TikTok? No. I don't ever want to be a presenter again. I didn't like the business at all, in fact, I hated it. But I did see a bunch of people on TikTok with an Atari and an old TV playing 80s music. That's what CGR was pioneering back in the day. Maybe I should have become a guru influencer or makeup tutorial channel. No thanks.
Anyway, I still like the vibe of plugging a game into an old Atari. The show's collection is still boxed up and locked in storage, but sadly I had to part with my 5200, 7800, Vectrex and Genesis collection to save my business, but I have a ton of Atari 2600. Wood grain and Neo-Geo make the world a better place, maybe the short-form upbeat style of TikTok is a new perspective. I don't play non-arcade games anymore, but the aesthetic of flipping switches on an Atari still brings back memories."
Update February 20, 2023
CGR Publishing is pleased to announce the release of:
Classic Trains and Railroad Engineering Volume 3
Bussler is working on the restoration process for Classic Trains and Railroad Engineering Volumes 4-8.
Bussler is also working to release the first volume in the 80s Comics Collector Guide Series soon (title TBD)
The team broke ground on our eight-volume set about the History of England.
Several new art book series are in development. Details coming soon.
The second volume of our 1889 Paris World's Fair book is nearly complete. Expect to see some cover images and release details soon.
Ethel 3, Omega Ronin (the Manga) 1, and Robot Kitten Factory 3 are all in production. No release details just yet.
New Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano albums are in final mixing. Release details soon.
Update January 29, 2023
CGR Publishing is pleased to announce the release of:
Classic Trains and Railroad Engineering Volume 1
Classic Trains and Railroad Engineering Volume 2
Bussler is working to wrap up Ethel the Cyborg Ninja #3 in February and make way for the new Omega Ronin manga series!
Update January 5, 2023
"Happy New Year from CGR Publishing. I'm still digging out from the end-of-year mayhem that goes along with publishing and shipping but starting to dive into the new projects for 2023. Lots of new books inbound on a variety of subjects. Music and video are also in production.
Exciting news from Omega Ronin and 80s Comics. I re-launched two of our TikTok channels with new content and tripled our subscribers in a week, which is pretty exciting around here! Didn't expect that. Previously I patted myself on the back for losing 50,000 subscribers which I wear as a badge of accomplishment.
I'm digging the positive vibes on TikTok, even though I don't understand any of it. We'll be uploading daily 80sComics content @80sComics soon (still filming the backlog) and ramping up Omega Ronin production. I'm using 3D graphics and filmmaking trickery to launch the Omega Ronin manga and animation series to complement the music. You can follow @OmegaRonin on TikTok, it's just getting started. Manga, video, and print info will be available soon on the websites.
80s Comics! Stop by daily for new full-length articles and videos about classic comics and manga, as well as some new stuff. The 80s Comics print series will roll out later this year. Omega Ronin is making the music for all of the 1980s-inspired 80s Comics videos which take place inside the virtual 3D set being built for Omega Ronin. Note the cuts from the 3D set with arcade games to the current studio suite with arcade games.
Omega Ronin! I'm working on new albums along with the video series in production. A 3D world is under construction for set design and location work for the upcoming manga series. It is also being used for a video series that you can see on the website and on TikTok. I'll be mixing some of the animations with the songs in development, it's rad to the max.
The upcoming book releases will start to pop up on the front of this website very soon. Wrapping up a new cookbook, world's fair book, and starting a new series on trains. And more!
We have discontinued using Twitter because it is a hate-filled pile of garbage. I'm looking at Mastodon. I'm discontinuing all YouTube content. Please follow our channels on TikTok @80sComics @OmegaRonin. All upcoming professionally produced widescreen videos for Omega Ronin and 80s Comics will be available as physical media like Blu-Ray and digital download from our website. More info soon.
CGR Publishing music is available on all music streaming services such as Amazon, Apple, Spotify, Tidal, Beatport, and more. New Omega Ronin, Turbo Volcano, and Echo Daydream songs are in development."
Update December 28, 2022
Producer and director, Mark Bussler, is rebooting 80s Comics in 2023 with a brand new series featuring the best of 1980s comics and manga combined with Edit-Station 1's charm, wit, and terrible personality.
"I'm rebooting the 80s Comics video series to compliment the website and new articles. The old series was a lot of fun to make, but I got pulled into some bigger print projects and had to shift my focus. This time around, thanks to Omega Ronin and the new animated series and manga in production, 80s Comics can shine in the same synthwave universe that you'll be reading about in print soon. I'm launching it on TikTok and as a website exclusive. Edit-Station 1 will be handling the directing, performance, and editing once I prep the series for daily or every-other-day production. You'll also get to see some of the rough animated clips for Omega Ronin mixed in, combined with music in development. It'll be a good time. I'm sure it'll evolve quickly once we start working on it."
"I was hoping to bring it back early 2022, but the studio took a while to build and I got into 3D animating to compliment the music videos and it just kinda came together. Like everyone else, we're dropping YouTube and going with TikTok. I'm pretty sure it'll be an interesting mix with the demographic, but I like the optimism and positive vibe on TikTok. I'd love to inspire some younger viewers to start collecting baller comics like Sectaurs and MERC. If you're over 40 and still watching on VHS, you can also see the videos on along with some widescreen original content. I've got my eye on a Blu-Ray / Laser Disc cut too."
"Personally, I find the vertical aspect ratio a bit odd to film, but it works well for the comic books now that I'm seeing edits. It'll be fun and quirky, nothing more serious than that."
Music in the 80s Comics series will be scored and performed by Bussler's synthwave band, Omega Ronin.
Series debuts on TikTok @80sComics and at
Update December 27, 2022
"First and foremost I wish everyone a happy holiday season, merry Christmas, happy Hannukah, blessed Lord Karnage Appreciation Day, and festive whatever it is you may or may not celebrate. Have a safe new year and enjoy yourself, have fun with friends and family! Drink beer. Play Pac-Man. Watch Robocop. Listen to Ministry and White Zombie turned up to 11. This is the way." - Mark
"The news for 2023 is all good (at least I hope it is!) CGR Publishing has loads of products in production ranging from books about trains, to manga about broken computers and singers from the future going back in time to 1982, to some great drawing instruction guides for artists of all ages. We've also got sh-tloads (it's a family site) of Turbo Volcano and Omega Ronin in production.
And also 80s Comics. New reviews every other day. Maybe some video on the way....?"
Something is amiss at
Update December 17, 2022
There are big plans in 2023 to release a wealth of new print and music content. Mark is busy working on an eight-volume set of antique railroading books, the second Paris 1889 World's Fair book, a new cookbook, and a series of manga and drawing instruction titles.
"I decided to regroup and re-focus on a few historical projects after completing the jobs from 2021-2022. The trolley book, Old Time Kitchen, and the Paris book turned out great, but it took a few years to assemble the material for those releases. I'm hitting the ground running in '23 with a bunch of really big historical jobs. There are also numerous art and music releases in the pipeline. Updates will be posted here on this website."
"There a few video projects in development for Tik Tok. We'll see where things go from there, but I'm heavily invested in some new 3D animation projects to enhance the upcoming Omega Ronin manga series."
"The upcoming drawing instruction books and videos have also been in development for a while. It took some time to wrap my head around what makes them unique and special, but I think I'm there now and enjoying some daily illustration work."
The first Omega Ronin manga installment is planned for Kindle in January/February. "Omega Ronin the Manga will be debuting on Kindle in a (roughly) 22-page format. It's already behind schedule due to the holiday shipping mayhem and some hardware issues with the 3D modeling, but it's chugging along. I'm planning for it to be really detailed. I miss doing detailed work. I miss hiding beer cans and cigarette boxes in the backgrounds of every shot. If you enjoyed Geof Darrow's Hard Boiled, Blade Runner, and like Jem and the Holograms, I think you'll love Omega Ronin. Edit-Station 1 is in it, what's not to like? It'll be quite unexpected, actually."
"It's possible that 80s Comics will get a revival this year on Tik Tok. It won't be the same the old series, I'm not wasting my time doing voice work anymore, but there's so much amazing art and so many great characters in 80s comic books that it's a shame not to find some way to celebrate them with a new audience on Tik Tok who didn't grow up with G.I. Joe, Sectaurs, and Mark Hazzard: MERC. The camera has been set up for a few weeks, actually! Between dodging a few illnesses and the holiday rush, I just haven't had a chance to really dig in and start shooting stuff yet. Omega Ronin and 80s Comics are going to be great together."
"When it comes to music, I'm pleased to report that things are all heading in the right direction. The music business is way more fun than I expected. The music also has a home in the upcoming CGR video projects, it's win all around. Expect a lot more Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano."
A new Omega Ronin album is scheduled for December 30 on all streaming services.
A new Turbo Volcano album is scheduled for December 31 on all streaming services.
Stay tuned in 2023 for lots of great stuff!
Update December 8, 2022
Greetings all. It's your holiday update from Mark! Happy holidays, merry Christmas, splendid Lord Karnage Appreciation Day (Dec. 32nd.)
When I'm not running around dealing with fulfillment issues this time of year, I'm in pre-production on Omega Ronin 2023. The synthwave band / project will continue with much music and a big spin-off in print and digital. More updates coming soon as it nears a series launch in early 2023. Vinyl is also on the table.
New Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano albums are in production as the sound gets supersized for next year. The studio expansion is complete and humming along.
If "Project Omega Ronin" works out (there's a lot of system and workflow stuff behind the scenes, blah blah blah), I'm looking at possibly bringing back some older entertainment jobs like Magnum Skywolf, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja, and the drawing videos based on said projects. Stay posted. There's a lot going on in the art department right now in the development stage.
Some projects are getting canceled, including plans for the Old Time Kitchen video and podcast series. I was unable to secure a filming location within my budget, and by the time I started to engineer it as a podcast, Omega Ronin locked in its position as my primary creative project for '23. The older CGR podcast (and any upcoming podcasts) are canceled and deleted. CGR X GT7 videos are canceled.
The second volume of the Paris 1889 World's Fair book remains in production but behind schedule. You can look forward to it in spring 2023.
I haven't been active on hate-filled social media for a while. For years I've been yelling about the way that social media companies boost hate and misinformation content and squash non-mainstream (non-paying) art. A lot of people have caught on to this by now and deleted their twitter, facebook, and Instagram, and things are starting to flip back. People have been asking for "real creative content" again! Imagine that. Art instead of hate. What a thing.... The other day someone said they enjoyed a video instead of demanding an apology video based on conspiracy theories! It's like science fiction.
Thankfully, we positioned ourselves to go around social media, so feel free to delete it all, doesn't affect us. All real CGR Publishing updates can be read right here and in the CGR Publishing Newsletter.
There will be new books coming out in 2023. Stay tuned. I'm working on a catalog of 2023 jobs right now.
There might be an 80s Comics Version 2.0 in development. We'll have to wait and see how the production workflows shake things up in the winter.
Have a safe and happy holiday season,
Mark & CGR Publishing
Update November 22, 2022
Greetings! We hope this update finds you all well! Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy Lord Karnage Appreciation Day. It's that time of year again. The time of year when we cuddle up with family by the hearth and watch tender holiday movies like Robocop. I'd buy that for a dollar.
The big news is that 2023 will be the year of Omega Ronin. Bussler is in the recording studio mixing new synthwave tracks inspired by 1970s computers and TV shows centered in 1984 Miami. He's also back behind the drawing board, working on a new color manga based on Omega Ronin music and the fictional synthwave universe in which it exists. The untitled project will be multi-platform, digital, and print. Expect a combination of hand-drawn art and 3D modeling work. Expect to see something in early 2023.
Omega Ronin, the band, is taking over the entire CGR Publishing business in 2023. You can look forward to many roaring synthesizers, pounding drums, lasers, sentient, emotional robots, and more. A video series is in production.
The existing CGR Publishing catalog will continue, and we expect to increase our sales presence in new outlets.
New Omega Ronin and Turbo Volcano albums are in production for the end of 2022. Turbo Volcano will continue in 2023 with "lots of weird-ass shit."
"We have a lot of art books in the work for 2023. I can't say what they are right now, but the power of synthwave is strong. This is the groove you're looking for." Bussler
Please celebrate this great news by watching CGR's favorite Christmas movies: Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Robocop, and Predator.
Update November 9, 2022
The newest full-length Omega Ronin album drops today titled A New Hope Never Fades! Check out a new collection of synthwave music from the future of 1985 as an album from iTunes to own or to stream on your favorite music services.
Turbo Volcano is releasing more of its new music as EPs (smaller collections of songs) at the moment while crafting a new sound that combines electronica and industrial with analog and digital instruments. The next full-length release will be in '23. Airlock to Nowhere was released a few weeks ago, and An Obsolete Society comes out on November 18.
Bussler is finishing the producing work on new albums from ambient/lo-fi projects Echo Daydream and Moonbeam Infinity. More information and release dates soon.
The newest Seatropica release with a big ambient electronica sound is titled Particle Stream. It's one of our favorites, check it out!
Though CGR has used Twitter for years, it was always a mediocre platform that rewarded hate and extremism before art and creativity. Twitter has reached a new low, and we are permanently done using a hate-for-profit pile of garbage that spreads misinformation for money. We'll post one more update at some point to direct people to our newsletter and maybe our Mastodon. This website and other CGR-owned websites are the only places that you can rely on to get real and accurate CGR updates.
The CGR X GT7 series will continue. Mark is looking into ways to add them to this website so that viewers can enjoy them in a more comfortable and mature non-hate-filled environment that spews misinformation for money. "Sadly, when it comes to video, people only want to use those two apps. I'm doing what I can to go around them, but it's really up to viewers to leave those terrible platforms. It seems folly, I know, but thankfully it's something I can play around with freely since it's just a side project." Bussler
Update October 18, 2022
Give the gift of Gustave Doré mugs, hoodies, and prints this holiday season! Nothing brightens the room like scenes from Dante's Inferno or the Crusades!
We recently released for all of your Gustave Doré clothing and accessory needs. The website is still in its infancy and we're slowly adding our line of clothing, accessories, puzzles, prints, mugs, and more with super-high-resolution Doré imagery scanned with the CGR Publishing art preservation scanners. You can find our Doré products on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.
The first Moonbeam Infinity and Kawaii Ocean albums are releasing in October of 2022. If you're looking for chill ambient or upbeat kids music for easy listening, check them out on your music service of choice!
The newest Robot Kitten Factory drops later this month!
The newest Seatopica album is almost here! More on this album soon, but expect a huge wall of ambient electronica sound with Seatropica.
A new Turbo Volcano is in development for the end of the calendar year 2022 or early '23. Mark is also putting together a collection of unreleased early tracks, "b-sides", and remixes of early songs from the first few albums.
A new Omega Ronin album is in development. Maybe Omega Ronin on vinyl. We'll see...
Update September 14, 2022
Merry almost October! We have an exciting album release schedule in the works for late 2022 including new albums from Turbo Volcano, Omega Ronin, and a new act, Robot Kitten Factory.
The upcoming Turbo Volcano is titled No Champagne in the Volcano Room. It's future funk and experimental mayhem.
The upcoming Robot Kitten Factory is titled Every Dimension. It's EDM, dance, and electronica.
More news coming soon.
Update September 4, 2022
Everyone get your 1980s clothes and sunglasses ready, because Omega Ronin's 5th album, Syntax Rhythm, drops tomorrow!
Omega Ronin creator, Mark Bussler, says "This album sounds BIG. That was the goal. To keep the smooth synthwave jams flowing, but to dramatically increase the overall presence of the music. I tried a few new tricks in the production process to drown the listener in waves of glorious 1980s-style synthesizers. You'll be racing to the scene of the crime in your Testarossa in stereo while pounding drums and roaring synths beat up the bad guys for you. That doesn't make any sense at all, but you get the idea..."
Omega Ronin's 6th album is in production.
Turbo Volcano's 6th album is in production.
CGR Publishing / Turbo Volcano / Omega Ronin studio expansion is in progress. "I took the stuff that was going to be used for podcasting and re-tooled the new video production studio into a bigger multi-track recording studio for 2023. We're looking at producing upwards of 100 new albums for '23 in a variety of genres. I'm hoping that we'll do some kind of a video component for the website at least, we'll see. Right now, the focus is on workflow and sound quality. There's going to be a little something for everyone coming up."
"It's also a ton of fun, and that shows up in the music. With all [internet] video being shot on phones these days, creatively, it has really tied my hands. There's no need for editing on TikTok. I discovered that my love for video editing is better served in sound. It's basically the same thing, but with more of a global reach. There's way more going on than I can list here. It's a lot of fun to get behind a mixing board again and stare at waveforms." says Bussler.
CGR Publishing-produced albums are available on all streaming services including Apple, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and Deezer.
The CGR Podcast concluded with the recent episode 30. "Thanks for listening. Podcasting seems to be more of a collaborative thing these days, and I'm totally absorbed in producing right now."
CGR Publishing scratch & dent items are going up for sale on ebay in their own category. If you've been looking at a book and want to save big, and don't mind a slight bend in the cover or a dent in the spine, check out CGR Publishing | eBay Stores
Update August 18, 2022
We released: Old Time Kitchen Volume 1: Meats, Vegetables, and More Antique Recipes
We released: 1889 Paris World's Fair: The Exposition Universelle in Illustrations Volume 1
Turbo Volcano releases Ride the Lava on August 22!
Omega Ronin's 5th album is in production.
All Turbo Volcano albums are now available for high-quality MP3 download. Own your favorite songs forever!
All Turbo Volcano and Omega Ronin albums are being uploaded to YouTube for listening in video and audio format.
The Turbo Volcano video series is in production.
Update July 17, 2022
We are preparing to roll out a few new books and HUNDREDS of new clothing designs over the next few months. Writer Mark Bussler is completing books on antique cooking and the Paris World's Fair of 1889. Updates will hit the front page as we get them.
Mark is charging full-speed ahead on a variety of new clothing and product designs. "We're working with a few new brands in 2022 to create designs based on birds, butterflies, monsters, old logos, and more. These products will be available on globally. You'll also find them on Ebay, Etsy, and soon, our other outlets."
Turbo Volcano's next full-length album is in development. Creator, Bussler says "The next album is big, ambitious, and very interesting. Turbo Volcano is an experimental project, at least in respect to the album releases, so expect it to be a fun listen and pretty out there." A new and refreshed website is coming soon to better highlight the music and Turbo Volcano brand clothing designs.
Bussler is in the newly completed studio working on hundreds of upcoming product commercials, many of which will feature existing and new Turbo Volcano songs.
New Omega Ronin, Old Time Kitchen, and Seatropica songs are also in the works. "The fifth Omega Ronin album should be out by end of summer. The team is in the development phase of an all-new website for it."
The CGR Podcast featuring Turbo Volcano will conclude with the upcoming episode 30 and get rebranded as a cooking podcast moving forward. Bussler says, "The podcast recording has been good fun, but I'm pretty sure nobody wants to hear me talk techie stuff about drum machines and fountain pens every week. I think it'll be better if it focuses on one thing and delivers practical information, so I'm retooling it and rebranding it as a cooking podcast based on my upcoming book series. So, basically the same thing, but with something useful."
Our upcoming new video series are slowly entering the production phase in the new CGR studio space. Look for bits and pieces as they emerge.
Lots more coming soon, including some sales on b-stock items and new product bundles.
Update April 15, 2022
How about an update already!?
Lots going on at CGR Publishing in 2022. We released several new books on subjects ranging from antique cars, trolleys, cat postcards, drawing instruction, and more! Check out our newest releases on the front page. There are many more in the works.
Two new video series are in development. Mark Bussler is producing a new drawing instruction series for TikTok that can be viewed on the @TurboVolcano channel.
CGR Publishing expands into music publishing with the release of three new albums that can be heard on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, YouTube Music, Pandora, and other music streaming services. See the newest releases on the front page and in the music section of the website as we develop it.
Thank you!
January 7, 2022
Good morning from space! Big news week here at CGR.
Mark joins the new Toaplan film in production as English narrator for All Your Base Are Belong to Toaplan. Produced and directed by Joseph Pierce, edited by Shmup Junkie, and featuring the creators of Truxton, Fire Shark, Hellfire, and more --- You can see trailers and back the blu-rays and digital downloads on Kickstarter.
Watch the video version of the CGR Podcast #8 right here on CGR.
In other news, the first 80s Comics review filmed in Future Year 1982 just went live. Mark is working in the new Intergalactic Space Arcade and bringing some inane comic book reviews into space with him. 80s Comics is a website exclusive. Watch it ad-free at
The Turbo Volcano sound starts to emerge as new keyboards and synthesizers are hooked up to the Intergalactic Space Arcade. You can hear clips of music and experimental tracks in CGR Podcasts, 80s Comics, and Turbo Volcano videos. See more as it emerges at
Bussler continues to wrap up the latest issues of Robot Kitten Factory, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja, Retromegatrex, and his new Paris World's Fair books. More on those as they release in 2022 (aka Future Year 1982.) He is also working on a cookbook series. 1982 is going to be the best year ever!
The CGR Podcast is off to a great start. We just upgraded recording equipment for Episode 9. We're making stickers and flyers for website and ebay orders! Get ready to stick a Turbo Volcano sticker somewhere where it needs to be stuck.
Update December 18, 2021
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all the joyous good tidings from your friends at CGR. Lots going on here. LOTS.
We started a weekly Podcast. You can now listen to Mark ramble on incoherently about projects, art, Star Wars, and the upcoming Operation Turbo Volcano. What is Operation Turbo Volcano? The first rule of Operation Turbo Volcano is not to talk about Operation Turbo Volcano.
We'll number the news items since they're all big.
- We're expanding our operations in 2022 to provide wider product and warehouse coverage for Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Etsy, and more. We understand there was some difficulty in getting our hardcovers in 2021, and we'll be fixing that like ED-209 fixes parking violations.
- The new CGR Publishing Studio is under construction for expanded marketing efforts and product videos. Along with that comes some other fun things like a place to finally set up all of our arcade games. Pac-Man anyone?
- Operation Turbo Volcano is a thing. It's an enigmatic thing, but a thing nonetheless. You'll be hearing and seeing more about Turbo Volcano here and on the soon to be revised Turbo Volcano website. (this does not affect the clothing brand at all. Our shirts and hoodies will continue to be sold through Amazon under the Turbo Volcano brand.) You will soon be able to listen to Turbo Volcano while wearing Turbo Volcano while shouting Turbo Volcano from within a Turbo Volcano.
- The CGR Podcast featuring Turbo Volcano is running weekly. Mark is enjoying getting back into audio recording and music. Upcoming podcast topics include 80s Comics, Star Wars & Star Trek, Turbo Volcano sonic soothing sounds from space, and more.
- 80s Comics videos are likely to return. Bussler is looking at making a weekly 80s Comics professionally produced review show in the new studio because it's awesome and his 80s Comics review guide books will launch in 2022. This is planned to be an 80s Comics / CGR website exclusive via our Vimeo channel in 4K.
- Turbo Volcano launches on TikTok. Yes, we're also confused. Look for short music clips and random arcade game footage. @TurboVolcano
- Our marketing team is starting to work out a new social media plan for 2022. You may see more posts on Twitter via @TurboVolcano and @80sComics and @ClassicGameRoom we're still working it out. We own those accounts, so the info posted on them is authentic.
- There are no plans to resume the Classic Game Room show on YouTube. Please enjoy the existing videos and the collections. According to Mark, "It was fun at the time. Sadly, I don't have time to learn new games and record footage anymore, nor do I have any interest in live streaming or reaction videos. However, you will likely see some new CGR content here based on the archival collection. I'm building the new studio with a variety of photo staging locations including the Intergalactic Space Arcade. Look for some old friends like the R-Zone, Neo-Geo CD, Atari 2600, TI-99, MSX, Vectrex, arcade games, and more. I wouldn't rule out some arcade and pinball reviews in the future, but nothing concrete is planned. I'm no longer producing films or documentaries, but since the gear is here again... well, we'll see. Watch the CGR Studio page and listen to the podcast for updates."
- Follow Turbo Volcano on Soundcloud here Stream Turbo Volcano music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud - it will likely be a few months off before you hear finished content, but sub up and great ready for a time-traveling space warp through 1982.
- Follow CGR Publishing on Etsy for original art. Not only we will be selling our art guides and classic art books on Etsy, but Mark will also be posting some original pen and ink drawings and watercolors based on a variety of subjects.
- We have discontinued international shipping outside of the U.S. from this website. If you want one of the DVDs or Laser Sets, please buy them from our Ebay store who will coordinate the international shipping. We would like to direct our international book shoppers to Amazon who can coordinate international shipping.
- We will restock our in-house inventory for domestic shipping in 2022. Please follow our newsletter to learn about coupons and any upcoming specials.
- Our Centipede machine has a dirty trak-ball. Mark needs to fix it.
- If Mark Bussler doesn't electrocute himself while fixing Centipede (though that would be a funny TikTok), he will be releasing a large assortment of books in 2022. This list will likely change a bit (it always does), but readers can look forward to sets of books on the 1889 Paris World's Fair and 1900 Paris World's Fair, a book on trolleys and cable cars, classic cars, and an antique road trip, the 80s Comics series, Ethel the Cyborg Ninja 3 and the Ethel hardcover trilogy, Robot Kitten Factory 3 and the 1st trilogy, How to Draw Men's Eyes Inspired by Classic Illustrations, How to Draw Hands Inspired by Classic Illustrations, a 10-volume set on 19th-century Locomotive engineering, Omega Ronin, and a super-retro antique cookbook series (with possible video series!?) Who wants to see Mark drink egg wine and light himself on fire while making ox brain aspic?
Update November 11, 2021
Supply line issues slow hardcover printing. Order early for Christmas!
We recently released hardcover special edition versions of most of our biggest books - but of course, they've run right into supply line issues that affect the raw materials used to construct them. Hardcovers are still being printed but the lead-time is about 2-3 weeks. Order your hardcovers from Amazon now and you should receive them with time to spare.
Mark Bussler releases The Art of Ferdinand von Reznicek Volume 1!
Bussler (our president, lead cover designer, and sommelier) brings it back from the 1890s with a stunning, full-color collection of prints, paintings, and illustrations from Austrian artist, Ferdinand von Reznicek. If you like outrageous drawings of dancing, parties, and drunken late nights in 1899, then you'll love this book. Reznicek was a famous contributor to many German magazines in the late 19th-century, and went on some fame, but died young and sadly failed to reach his full potential. Enjoy this hilarious look at the work of a talented painter and illustrator with translated captions from his contemporary German collections. Softcover and Hardcover available from
The Art of Ferdinand von Reznicek Volume 1
Bussler releases How to Draw Womens' Eyes: Inspired by Classic Illustrations Volume 1
Not one to sit still for very long, Bussler also releases the first part of a drawing instruction series based on classic illustrations from the 1800s. Borrow the models from the best illustrators in France from 1890 and learn how to draw eyes from ultra-high-resolution scans. This entertaining series re-imagines drawing instruction and provides ample contemporary engravings for inspiration.
How to Draw Womens' Eyes: Inspired by Classic Illustrations Volume 1
New scrapbooking books and oversized prints for framing:
Kayleel released a series of new scrapbooking and framing print books on Amazon with enlarged, oversized images from the CGR Publishing archives. These are great for framing, decoupage, and scrapbooking. Check out the complete collection!
Oversized Vintage Images Volume 1: Premium Antique Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Oversized Images of Christmas Volume 1: Premium Vintage Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Oversized Images of Christmas Volume 2: Premium Vintage Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Oversized Images of Christmas Volume 3: Premium Vintage Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Oversized Images of Christmas Volume 4: Premium Vintage Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Oversized Images of France Volume 1: Premium Vintage Ephemera for Scrapbooking and Crafts
Geisha Japanese Art Coloring Book for Adults Volume 2 is out!!
Carmen Lafayette drops the second volume of Geisha coloring. The series has been well-received (because it's awesome) and issue 2 is even better than the first one. Don't miss it!
Geisha Japanese Art Coloring Book for Adults Volume 2
Update October 1, 2021
We've been busy! Big new releases over the past few weeks include:
Geisha Japanese Art Coloring Book for Adults Volume 1
101 Trains on Stamps Volume 1: The Art of Locomotives on Postage Stamps
Robot Kitten Factory #2
We're working with several talented writers and artists on new projects on a variety of subjects with release dates planned before the end of 2021. Stop back often and see what's new from CGR Publishing!
Update August 20, 2021
Good news everyone! We're nearing the release season and you can expect loads of books soon from our in-house comic book workshop and the history department. Stuff coming in November:
Upcoming Mark Bussler releases:
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja 3
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Trilogy 1 Hardcover Special Edition
Classic Game Room - Farewell and Thanks for the Laser Bathysphere #1
Robot Kitten Factory 2 (August/September)
Robot Kitten Factory 3
Robot Kitten Factory Trilogy 1 Hardcover Special Edition
Retromegatrex 2: The Art of Mark Bussler 2018-2021 Hardcover and Softcover and DIgital
Retromegatrex 1: The Lost Art of Mark Bussler 1995-2017 Hardcover Special Edition
Omega Ronin #1
Magnum Skywolf #2 (early 2022)
The Art of Ferdinand Von Reznicek Hardcover and Softcover
[Untitled] Paris Exposition 1889 Two-Volume Hardcover and Softcover Set
Bussler recently released a gorgeous new book called: 1915 San Francisco World's Fair in Color: Grandeur of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Hardcover and softcover editions (digital soon.)
The newsletter will resume shortly. We revamped the entire marketing program in 2021. We are no longer using social media or responding to questions on any external platform. If you have a question, contact us here. A new team may take over the program in 2022.
The Turbo Volcano website is in development. We are slowly adding our thousands of product designs and finally combining them all in one place. Check it out!
Update July 6, 2021
Trees of California: Restored Enlarged Retro Special Edition is now available in Paperback and Hardcover!
Retromegatrex 2, Omega Ronin, and Magnum Skywolf #2 are in development. Dates TBD. Subscribe to the CGR Publishing newsletter for release updates!
Update June 8, 2021
Good day! Here's some goings-ons for summer 2021, lots of stuff happening.
Website news returns! We decided to discontinue most of our social media channels. CGR Publishing will post official news and updates here and via the newsletter.
Mark Bussler has permanently retired from filmmaking, video, journalism, commentary, editing, and narrating. His focus is on other projects, he not available for editing or narrating jobs. You can find his catalog of videos in the digital and physical video section of the website. His upcoming books, the Robot Kitten Factory project, and Turbo Volcano design work will be announced here as he releases them.
Our Turbo Volcano team and sister website will be finishing up their release project over the next several months and (finally) compiling and cataloging the thousands of products scattered over our distributors' channels. Thank you for your patience! Been a crazy year 🙂
Hardcover Premium Editions
Most of our book catalog is now available in deluxe hardcover editions as well as paperback and Kindle. You can now find them on Amazon and Ebay. We will be adding hardcovers to the site in the coming weeks. Subscribe to our newsletter for some maybe super-secret coupons!
Bundle Deals arrive on the website!
Our popular bundle deals from Ebay are now available on the website. You can see the category here.
Shakespears Joins CGR
We got our hands on one of the rarest and best-illustrated collections of Shakespeare's work. CGR is releasing a three-volume Shakespeare collection in hardcover and softcover this summer. Stay tuned.
1915 World's Fair Coming Soon
Bussler is wrapping up work on his upcoming 1915 San Francisco World's Fair book in color. Soon to be available in softcover, hardcover, and Kindle.
Robot Kitten Factory Trilogy Hardcover
Mark is finishing up the second two issues of Robot Kitten Factory retro-styled manga. They will be available as floppies and combined into an enlarged hardcover special edition. Signed copies of the hardcover will be available for pre-order soon.
Ethel the Cyborg Ninja Trilogy Hardcover
Mark is also wrapping up the third installment of Ethel the Cyborg Ninja which will be available as a floppy this summer. The first part of the trilogy will also be enlarged, combined, and released as a special edition hardcover this year. Signed copies will be available for pre-order soon.
Update June 16, 2020
CGR Publishing surpasses 150 published book titles. We have expanded our distribution!
You can now order CGR Publishing books directly from this website (the website you are currently on!) We'll soon be offering some coupons to subscribers and can even offer signed copies of some books.